Saturday, February 4, 2017

Communicating GIS Lab 4

This week we are working with color progressions and experimenting with linear vs. adjusted color ramps. The linear progression makes the most sense mathematically when it comes to choosing colors in a ranking scale. The darker shades are definitely harder to distinguish from one another. I did not think they would be as close as the lab described, but it definitely shows in the color ramps. For this reason I think the adjusted progression is the most effective. The color ramp clearly separates the darker shades more than the lighter ones. With my adjustment I went with the “1/3” rule the lab described and it seemed to work. I was pleased with the color ramp and would choose the adjusted ramp over the linear one. Then using colorbrew I selected a slightly greener base. The intervals seemed to follow the adjusted progression, but were almost random in a sense. They were generally larger for the darker shades, but had no real pattern. 

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