Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Special Topics in GIS Lab 3

The lab for week three involved accuracy statistics of completeness and positional accuracy. The actual lesson and reading focused on point based accuracy analysis versus line based accuracy analysis for line features. Lab two involved our accuracy analysis on the point based approach to analyzing the line features if you want to check that post out. This week the analysis involved the completeness statistic and two layers of roads in southern Oregon. The road layers were placed on a grid system where the layers were intersected to "cookie cut" them. Then the total lengths of the roads were added up in each grid for the two layers. Then a comparison could be made by looking at which layer had more length of road in each grid. This percentage was then displayed in a choropleth map to show the layer comparison.
The overall goal of the accuracy assessment in this lab was to see which layer was more complete by looking at the total lengths of roads in the county and then analyzing them grid by grid. From the product you can see that the TIGER layer seemed to be more complete in the urban areas and the Centerline layer was more complete in the rural areas.

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