Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Special Topics in GIS Lab 7

This week we worked with TINs and DEMs. For those of you new to elevation models the TIN is a network of triangulated elevation points that are laid out in a grid with slope, aspect, and elevation represented. The DEM is a digital elevation model that basically assigns an elevation to a grid area based on the resolution of the area. This week we practiced creating elevation models in ArcGIS and analyzing them. We started with the TIN and found many ways to adjust the symbology of the data to represent exactly view we need from the product. TINs were fairly easy to work with and visualize especially when converted to a 3D image in ArcScene. Finally working with the DEMs we created a slope analysis for a ski resort and were able to display the areas with ideal slope for medium skill level skiers. This document could show the resort the best places to form the next run and what skill level to label it. Below is a screenshot of the DEM analysis in ArcScene. You can see the categorized slope areas along with their aspect and overall elevation.

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